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Winter Program Series: "Lifting the Curtain"

Going Geothermal at the Mansions

With Mike Taber, Preservation Society Director of Properties, and Bill Wladyka, Owner of WJ Wladyka, PE, Systems Consultants

What you need to know

Going Geothermal at the Mansions at Chateau-sur-Mer has closed.

When the Newport Mansions were built, they were on the cutting edge of new technologies like electricity. Today, the houses continue to pave the way forward with the use of geothermal systems, an important initiative in sustainable energy use.

Mike Taber, Director of Properties at the Preservation Society, and Bill Wladyka, Owner of WJ Wladyka, PE, Systems Consultants, will explain the process of installing these systems that reduce our carbon footprint and create a more stable environment for the interior of the houses and the treasures they contain. Houses that currently benefit from geothermal systems include The Breakers, Chepstow, the Berwind-Stautberg Scholars Center at The Elms and most recently, Chateau-sur-Mer.

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